Pendidikan Kristiani di Era Post-Truth: Sebuah Perenungan Hermeneutis Paul Ricoeur
Abstract. The post-truth phenomenon in the form of false news and utterances of hate actually marks an awareness that is lured to oneself (closed, rejects intersubjectivity) which causes the emergence of egological thinking. Ricoeur carries out “hermeneutics of suspicion,” as a hermeneutical method, which aims to demystify arrogant subjects, which are lived out by distrust and skepticism and give birth to post-truths. The purpose of this study is to show that the perspective of education according to Ricoeur means the return of consciousness. Consciousness means unity between words and actions. It is not enough that our thoughts are good without being directly proportional to good actions. For the task of education, the unity of both is the opposite of post-truth.
Abstrak. Fenomena post-truth berupa berita bohong dan ujaran kebencian sesungguhnya menandai kesadaran yang terpikat pada diri sendiri (tertutup, menolak intersubjektif) yang menyebabkan munculnya cari berpikir egologis. Ricoeur mengusung “hermeneutik kecurigaan” (hermeneutics of suspicion), sebagai metode hermeneutis, yang bertujuan melakukan demistifikasi atas subjek yang pongah, yang dihidupi oleh ketidakpercayaan dan skeptisisme serta melahirkan post-truth. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin memperlihatkan bahwa perspektif pendidikan menurut Ricoeur berarti kembalinya kesadaran. Kesadaran berarti satunya kata dan tindakan. Tidak cukup pikiran kita baik, tanpa berbanding lurus dengan tindakan yang baik. Bagi tugas pendidikan, maka kesatuan keduanya adalah lawan tanding bagi post-truth.
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