Gereja, Negara, dan Ajaran Dua Kerajaan Luther: Relasi Gereja - Negara dalam Tipologi Wogaman
Abstract. The Protestant Batak Christian Church (HKBP) inconsistent attitude in responding to issues related to the relationship between church and state is greatly influenced by the understanding of the theological ambiguity of the 1951 and 1996 Confession. The 1951 Confession clearly had a prophetic critical attitude towards the state while the 1996 Confession weakened the church's position. This research aimed to analyze the theological understanding of the relationship between the church and the state as recorded in the Minutes of Church Synod meetings, Minutes, Pastor's Meeting Minutes and HKBP Church Order using the Wogaman typology. The result of the research showed that Martin Luther's Teachings of Two Kingdoms cannot be categorized as erastianism but rather a friendly and prophetic separation.
Abstrak. Sikap inkonsisten Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) dalam merespons isu-isu terkait dengan relasi gereja dan negara sangat dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman keambiguan teologis Konfesi 1951 dan 1996. Konfesi 1951 secara tegas memiliki sikap kritis profetik terhadap negara, sedangkan Konfesi 1996 melemahkan posisi gereja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman teologis bagaimana relasi gereja dan negara yang terekam dalam dokumen Notulen Sinode Godang, Notulen Rapat Pendeta dan Tata Gereja HKBP menggunakan tipologi Wogaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Ajaran Dua Kerajaan Marthin Luther tidak dapat dikategorikan erastianisme melainkan pemisahan yang ramah dan profetis.
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