Pengaruh Aliran Filsafat Barat Pasca-1800 Terhadap Evolusi Pemikiran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Era Kontemporer

Djonny Pabisa


Abstract. The main objective of this research is to understand the integration between theological and philosophical thinking in Christian Religious Education (CRE), ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in the modern era, and gaining a deep understanding of how contemporary philosophical thinking influences and refines current CRE approaches. In this qualitative research, a literature review method is employed to comprehend the interaction between post-1800 Western philosophy and theological thinking in the context of CRE. The result showed that after 1800, Western philosophy challenged fundamental concepts of truth and Christianity. Therefore, CRE should serve as a bridge between tradition and modernity. CRE has the responsibility to uphold its teachings while engaging in dialogue with philosophy. Through an interdisciplinary approach, CRE must be dynamic and adaptive, maintaining its relevance in the modern era. This underscores the importance of synthesizing faith and reason in education.

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami integrasi antara pemikiran teologis dan filosofis dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK), memastikan relevansi dan efektivitasnya di era modern, serta memahami pengaruh pemikiran filosofis kontemporer terhadap pendekatan PAK saat ini. Metode kajian literatur digunakan untuk meneliti interaksi antara filsafat Barat pasca-1800 dan pemikiran teologis dalam PAK. Hasilnya, filsafat Barat pasca-1800 menantang konsep dasar kebenaran dan kekristenan. Oleh karena itu, PAK berperan sebagai jembatan antara tradisi dan modernitas melalui diskusi aktif antara filsafat dan teologi. PAK harus bersikap dinamis dan adaptif, menjaga relevansinya dengan mempertahankan ajarannya sambil terus berdialog dengan filsafat. Sintesis antara iman dan rasio dianggap penting dalam pendidikan agama.


contemporary; faith; iman; integrasi; integration; kontemporer; modern; rasio; ratio

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